Keyword Research Local Business SEO Tips
Chris Palmer SEO:
In today's local business keyword research video. What I would love to share with you is how you can analyze and do keyword research that will ultimately lead to doing less work and more reward from Google and other search engines. What I will be showcasing in this video is two types of local businesses or small business keyword research. The first example that I'll be going through is going to be related to a local business that sells e-commerce products. The second example will be an auto repair specialist that offers a number of services in different areas. By the end of today's video, I'm hoping that you can walk away understanding how to analyze Google and see what Google is going to reward before you create your content at your keyword research stage for your local business website. If you have any questions related to local business search engine marketing or if you have any questions at all about local SEO, please never hesitate to go ahead and ask in the section below, or I'm always happy to help you understand search engine optimization better so you can start getting more leads, more phone calls and higher traffic to your local business websites. Chris Palmer 30 Broad St
Tamaqua Pa 18252
(570) 810-1080
About Chris Palmer -Chris Palmer has Seo 11 Years Of Digital Marketing Passion!! No One Love’s Seo More Than Chris His Channel Is Dedicated To Helping Everyday People Succeed Through Seo And Internet Marketing.
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