Google Local Business Reviews Not Indexing
Chris Palmer SEO : In today's Google local business reviews video what I'd like to share with you is a very common issue that I had to get to the root of by doing some testing. The very common issue that kept reoccurring for local business owners was that they were getting reviews from real Google accounts but the reviews were being removed or are not showing up. Some users reported losing dozens of reviews but did not lose any rankings inside of maps. This peaked my curiosity enough to look at reviews from a testing angle. We wanted to know did the reviews really vanish? And if so why did the Google Maps listing not lose rankings? What we found was there are times reviews are removed and completely gone , that is a fact. No question! Sometimes a-lot of the time reviews are actually hidden and they have not been removed they where just hidden and not visible to others. If you keep track of your reviews and know when and who left them by checking your email attached to your listing. You find the "contributor identification number" . By checking the contributor you will know if the reviews are hidden or have been removed. If removed you fall in rank if hidden you will not. And this vide showcases all of this with some other tips to help you along with Google business rankings. Join My YouTube Channel SEO Mastermind. Get Members Only Perks! Chris Palmer SEO
Chris Palmer Marketing 30 West Broad St.
Pennsylvania, USA 18252 1 (855) 295-8280
About Chris Palmer -Chris Palmer has Seo 11 Years Of Digital Marketing Passion!! No One Love’s Seo More Than Chris His Channel Is Dedicated To Helping Everyday People Succeed Through Seo And Internet Marketing.
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