In this Google Ads tutorial, you'll learn how to create a profitable Google Ads search campaign in 2025 – a comprehensive guide that covers everything from account setup to advanced strategies for optimizing your ad performance. Whether you're an experienced marketer or a beginner, this step-by-step walkthrough will show you how to run high-converting campaigns effectively. Take a peek at my brand new upcoming membership site: 👉 ▶️ Google Ads Conversion Tracking Tutorial (With GTM): ▶️ Google Ads LIVE Optimization Tutorial: In this video, you'll learn: • How to set up your Google Ads account and start your first search campaign
• Step-by-step instructions for creating search ads targeting high-intent keywords
• Tips for selecting the best keyword match types (broad, phrase, exact)
• The importance of negative keywords and how to use them to refine your targeting
• How to optimize your bidding strategy for conversions and ROI
• Best practices for writing headlines, descriptions, and setting up ad groups
• Using audience observation to improve campaign performance over time By the end of this video, you'll have a complete Google Ads search campaign ready to generate clicks, conversions, and profits. Watch till the end to discover expert tips that can take your campaigns to the next level! 🎬 Timestamps:
0:00 – Introduction
0:28 – Creating a Google Ads Account
1:27 – Choosing a Campaign Objective
2:34 – Bidding 3:27 – Campaign Settings
4:15 – Targeting Options 7:23 – Keyword Match Types
11:20 – Keyword Research
16:33 – Writing Effective Ad Copy
23:33 – Ad Extensions
24:33 – Setting a Budget
25:20 – Final Campaign Review and Publishing
26:46 – Tips for Campaign Optimization After Launch 30:22 – Conclusion Additional resources: Free 55-page affiliate marketing for beginners guide: 👉 Take some of my training courses: 👉 Google Ads playlist:
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About Ivan Mana – Ivan Mana Is here to help you live your freedom lifestyle by teaching you how to use the online marketing tools necessary for your success. 💪 I first looked into online marketing on January 1st, 2017 and have since then quit my banking job and was working from home full-time. As I started learning how to use the tools necessary for online marketing, I realized that there are many technical parts in this field that don’t come easy to some people, especially with the lack of support in this area.
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