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  • Ep. 173: Unveiling the Secrets Behind the VSL ft. Patrick Stiles w/ Vidalytics

September 13, 2024

Ep. 173: Unveiling the Secrets Behind the VSL ft. Patrick Stiles w/ Vidalytics

Patrick Stiles with Vidalytics joins the ClickBank Affiliated podcast to unveil the secrets behind the VSL, and how you can turn your VSLs into money making machines. Patrick alongside Thomas and Kyle dive into key metrics that have never been shared before that reveal how you can create impactful VSLs that convert, how long your VSLs should be, when to drop your CTA, and so much more. Vidalytics makes your VSLs “smart” – where out of the box you get a premium, super fast video player that has the most advanced and effective tactics for VSLs to drive conversions… From grabbing attention to keeping engagement, collecting leads, driving towards a CTA. You also get the most robust video marketing analytics to easily optimize your videos, including seeing the exact spot in your VSL where people convert. You can connect your VSLs to the rest of your funnel, like your ads or CRM which enable advanced strategies that unlock new levels of scale. And you can even make interactive VSLs, so your viewers choose their own adventure, selling themselves. This is why V Shred, Performance Golf, Jon Benson, Frank Kern, Perry Belcher, Todd Brown, Brendon Burchard, USCCA, Mike Dillard, Entrenation (and ClickBank itself) trust Vidalytics. Vidalytics generally sees a 10-25% CVR lift in head to head split tests w/ other players. Become a ClickBank Media Buyer with Our FREE Course! – https://www.clickbank.com/media-buyer-agency/?el=youtube Grow Your Own Scalable Affiliate Program TODAY – https://www.clickbank.com/scalable-affiliate-program/?el=youtube Learn More about Vidalytics – https://www.stateofvsl.com/ Vidalytics on ClickBank Partners Page -https://www.clickbank.com/partner/vidalytics/ Connect with Patrick – https://www.linkedin.com/in/patrickstiles/ Email Us – affiliated@clickbank.com #affiliatemarketing #vsl #videomarketing

Source https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=u4wK4RNmvVU

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