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January 12, 2024

Adsense Approved AI Affiliate Website: Less Than 1 Month Old

Can AI content be approved for Adsense? In this video, I'll show you one of my websites that is less than 1 month old that got approved with 100% AI content. ✅ AIWiseMind: https://aiwisemind.com
✅ Hosting: https://www.vidsociety.com/hostinger
✅ Keywords People Use: https://aiwisemind.com/kpu
✅ WP Theme: https://www.vidsociety.com/blogtheme
✅ AI Website Setup Playlist: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLvUcvRg_7bBcqqaVll2n0AOzeyjQs1L-E Yes, you can get Google Adsense approval with AI content on affiliate websites using nothing but AI content. This website is filled with nothing but high quality AI informational and product review type posts. How is it possible? I used AIWiseMind which takes AI to a new level by structuring the content in an engaging way and SEO optimizes it for better rankings.

   Source https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7wUlGF1eKkU

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