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April 4, 2024

Black Hat SEO is Dead

Black Hat SEO Is Dead , Live Debate
Chris Palmer SEO : https://chrispalmer.org In today’s video, what I will be discussing is black hat, SEO and black hat, search engine optimization. What I would really like to do is have a small debate on the differences between blackhead SEO and SEO and what actually works and what you do on a regular basis for a client as opposed to the small mitigated risks that you’ll take on your own private assets performing SEO as a repeatable and dependable way to achieve traffic clicks and phone calls 99% of the time is not black hat at all and I’d love to just have a conversation around this particular topic and of course we’ll talk about even more search engine optimization, but the main concept of today’s alive will be blackhead SEO is dead. If you have any questions related to local search engine, optimization white hat, SEO, black hat, SEO or any search engine optimization SEO please feel free to go ahead and ask in the section below where I’m always happy to answer or you can feel free to ask live if you’re seeing this live. Join My YouTube Channel SEO Mastermind. Get Members Only Perks!
https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC8P0dc0Zn2gf8L6tJi_k6xg/join Chris Palmer SEO
Chris Palmer Marketing 30 West Broad St.
Pennsylvania, USA 18252 5708101080

Source https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hR2aZ4XWxws

About Chris Palmer -Chris Palmer has Seo 11 Years Of Digital Marketing Passion!! No One Love’s Seo More Than Chris His Channel Is Dedicated To Helping Everyday People Succeed Through Seo And Internet Marketing.

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