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July 3, 2023

10 Things I Learned in 10 Years Getting to 50k Subs

Fifty. Thousand. An entire football stadium's worth of people is subscribed to this channel – which feels insane. In this video, I share 10 things I've learned about life, online business, and YouTube during that time. Thanks so much for watching, and here's to the next 50. LEARN MORE
Grab our free six-day course teaching you exactly how to start a sustainable writing business online: https://www.locationrebel.com/fwg TABLE OF CONTENTS
00:00.    14 years and 420 videos later…50,000 subscribers!
00:32.     Some of the things I've learned in those 14 years.
01:07.     Just start!
02:07.     This may be the single most valuable skill you can learn.
03:14.     This is STILL the easiest way to make your first dollar on the internet.
04:10.     These are the things that will allow you to grow your business exponentially.
06:09.     The grass is not always greener.
07:41.     Write. More.
08:30.     It's easier to grow THIS than THAT.
10:57.     Be this AND that.
11:23.     What is your quest?
13:13.     The "Freedom Trifecta".
14:44.    50K, subs, grey hair and…THANK YOU!

Source https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7J5zVan1LrU

About The Content Creator – At Location Rebel we teach you how to build a lifestyle business that allows you to quit your job and spend more time doing the things you love to do. Specifically we teach you how to do this through freelancing, building niche sites, blogging, and other forms of online marketing. On this channel you’ll find videos for how to build these lifestyle businesses, while also giving you insight into my life and travels.

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